Aardvark Language: Project Web Hosting - Open Source Software

The Aardvark Language


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About this project:

This is the Aardvark Language project ("aardvarklanguage")

This project was registered on SourceForge.net on Jun 19, 2014.

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PDF version

Name and Icon

I am not entirely satisfied with the name of the language, aardvarks are not that charming animals. But the name was cool enough for the General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark. Below are some names, and comments, mostly copied from Wikipedia's page for the corresponding name.




  • Aardvark search engine (inactive)

  • Aardvark, or just Vark, a build system (no page on Wikipedia)

  • Project Aardvark, the code name to Fog Creek Copilot



  • MAGENTA, a block cipher



  • Vermilion Energy, a natural gas company

  • Vermilion Partners Ltd, a boutique China-based investment bank

Please post suggestions for other names, or comments on the names above, on the discussion page.


If people are satisfied with the Aardvark name, we also need an icon for the project. Post suggestions on the discussion page.

Other Material:

Aardvark Language Manifesto.pdf

Name and Icon

To appear later:

Battle-plan for project development

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